Uncover the secret sauce for managing direct-to-consumer (DTC) success, while driving more collaborative product development, and creating profitable, personalized one-to-one relationships with consumers.
Three experts discuss the proper strategic approach to consumer data management as well as the technological prowess that allows CGs to turn data into insight, and insight into action.
Reckitt Benckiser will leverage Google’s technology to unify its data into a single source of truth and develop new consumer identification, journey and behavior capabilities.
Whether a national chain or a mom-and-pop, all companies were plunged into a new operating model at the onset of COVID-19. In this case study, we explored how two different retailers modernized their route to market and their digital storefronts in order to successfully serve customers during the health crisis.
For consumer goods and retail brands considering the path of self-service data science, it’s important to first understand the terms and technology, how the tools function, and which applications are paving the way toward true self-service.
The artificial intelligence-enabled targeting solution combines weather intelligence, and location and point-of-sale data, to create actionable insights for marketers.