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Research and Reports

  • 2010 Retailer/Supplier Shared Data Study

    A groundbreaking new survey from CGT and RIS News asked consumer goods suppliers and retailers to provide their perspectives on data sharing.
  • 2010 Product Innovation Solutions

    A comparison chart of solution providers to the consumer goods industry in the areas of PLM, PIM, portfolio management and much more. Plus, industry experts address market trends and challenges.
  • 2010 Consultant Services

    A comparison chart of consultancies serving the consumer goods industry. Plus, thought leaders talk top-of-mind topics and trends in roundtable format.
  • Green Confidence

    Over the past year, the Green Confidence Index tracked consumer sentiment for all things green, from cars to clothing to cleaning products, and it's clear the market has moved from minor to mainstream.
  • 2010 Visionaries

    CGT presents the most recent crop of consumer goods "Visionaries" -- 10 industry thought leaders who are shaping the future of their respective companies with unprecedented business and technology initiatives. Find out about their biggest accomplishments of late and get a glimpse into the big business initiatives they have on the horizon.
  • 2010 Sales & Marketing Report

    The 2010 Sales & Marketing Study from IDC Manufacturing Insights and CGT yields important insights for leaders of sales, marketing and information technology. This year's edition reports on the progress that CG companies have made in areas like TPM, category management, downstream data and more.
  • Collaborative Promotion Optimization

    A look inside a new research model for improving manufacturer/retailer collaboration for promotional activities from Gartner Inc. and the Promotion Optimization Institute.
  • 2010 Customer Management & Analytics Solutions

    A comparison chart of solution providers to the consumer goods industry. Plus, industry experts address market trends and challenges around non-traditional marketing vehicles, downstream data and more.
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