CGT Research: Shopper Marketing OptimizationThis exclusive research study conducted by CGT and Cierant Corp. examines the critical need for, and the key benefits of, shopper marketing optimization. Sponsored Supply Chain Report 2017Digital tools are helping consumer goods companies build end-to-end transparency, from concept to consumption. Content partners IDC Manufacturing Insights and Supply Chain Insights help CGT takes its annual look at supply chain trends. Supply Chain Report 2017: State of Automation Digitization is not digitalization. Editor's Note: Trading Places Future success at retail will require brands to “unlearn” some traditional TPM practices. Tech Trends 2017: Moving to Outside-in Supply Chain Processes Digital tools can transform every step in the system. Tech Trends Overview: High Expectations, Middling Progress Everyone knows what must be done. Now, they just have to do it. Tech Trends 2017: Getting Personal with Consumers Digital tools make the promise of personalized engagement real — and required. Tech Trends 2017: A New Dawn for Analytics Data sets require new skills and processes. Tech Trends 2017: Enhancing New Products, Improving NPDI Processes Transforming traditional methods of new product development. Tech Trends 2017: Redefining Trade Promotion Is cognitive computing the key to the future? First Previous 4 5 6 7 8 Next Last