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  • Kraft Appeals To Consumer Scents

    As an example of how marketers are using scent in advertising, Kraft Foods Inc. ran five rub-and-sniff ads for some of its products, including Chips Ahoy and Philadelphia Cream Cheese, in a special edition of Time Warner's People magazine, reports the Wall Street Journal.
  • Power User -- December 2006

    Nestle consumer relationship marketing program earns the company kudos
  • Kellogg Expands Special K Brand

    Five years ago, Kellogg Company and its agency, Leo Burnett Worldwide, devised the Special K Challenge diet plan, which boosted Special K to become the company's No. 1 brand with an estimated $500 million in global sales.
  • Standout Customer Management

    Pepsico finds top-line value in a sophisticated data mining.
  • Making The List

    Last month I told you I could not believe it was fall, and now here I am thinking about winter and holidays and the New Year.
  • Food

    In 2000, Nestle USA identified the strategic opportunity to establish and maintain meaningful relationships with its end-consumers.
  • Coke Breaks Ground In Calorie-Burning Drink Category

    The Coca-Cola Company's latest calorie-burning innovation, Enviga, hit the U.S. market in the Northeast this month and will roll out nationally in January 2007.
  • Job Uncertainty

    What's driving CEO turnover in the consumer goods market?
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