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Marketing Tactics

  • The Scoop on Izzy's

    National acclaim compels a small ice cream caf to find a label partner that meets small business needs
  • The Pulse -- October 2005

    Procter & Gamble (P&G) recently announced the launch of Childrens Pepto antacid as an alternative to the thick, pink liquid Pepto-Bismol product for adults.
  • Size Matters

    Its no secret that the growing power of retailers and the rise of private labels are two major factors that continue to transform the consumer goods industry.
  • Spreading The Wealth

    ConAgra Foods drives effective pricing and promotions with flexible CRM tools
  • Return to Form

    From sea to shining sea, every single IT vendor and business publication--including this one--likes to trumpet the words "Return on Investment" (ROI) as though it still retains some sort of impact.
  • Insight to Action

    With consumers increasingly elusive to reach, private label competition continuing to erode market share from branded goods and mass-channel retailers demanding higher price discounts, marketers are increasingly put under the microscope to show return and results.
  • Justifying an MRM Strategy

    Understanding the ins and outs of the current Marketing Resource Management landscape
  • Visions of Grandeur

    This year's crop of Consumer Goods Visionaries (formerly known as the 25 Most Influential) reflects the rapidly changing dynamic of the supplier/retailer relationship.
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