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Marketing Tactics

  • Marketing in a Web 2.0 World, Part 1

    New media offers both marketing challenges and opportunities. Consumer goods companies are notoriously late adopters, but as successes are increasingly realized, manufacturers are coming around.
  • Nike Designs Chinese Sport Uniforms

    Nike works with Chinese athletes and the Chinese Olympic Committee to create 22 of the 28 sport federation uniforms.
  • Hallmark Connects Military Families with New Cards

    This past Mother's Day, Hallmark Cards Inc. worked with military families to create a surprise for moms who are deployed overseas, with the gift of their children's voices through new recordable cards with music.
  • Annie's TPM Deployment Supports Growth in Organics

    As Annie's Homegrown grew in size and distribution, so grew its need to replace a "homegrown" spreadsheet-based solution that it used to manage trade promotions.
  • Catching Up With Chris Miller, VP Marketing, LeapFrog Enterprises

    CGT Executive Editor Kara Romanow gets Miller's perspective on the challenges for manufacturers brought on by today's tenuous economy.
  • Playtex Improves Baby Product Safety

    Playtex Infant Care addresses growing public confusion about plastics used in baby bottles by announcing the distribution of one million free samples of Playtex Drop-Ins Original Nurser Systems that are free of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used to manufacture polycarbonate plastic products.
  • Circuit City Gives Green Tips

    Unveiling new national survey results that show high public interest in energy efficient electronics, retailer Circuit City launches a new Web resource to help consumers adopt "green" strategies.
  • New Clorox Alliance Launches Green Line

    The Clorox Company releases new Green Works brand of natural cleaning products and celebrates an alliance with the Sierra Club that will help deliver the organization's environmental message to mainstream consumers interested in living a more natural lifestyle.
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