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Marketing Tactics

  • Kimberly-Clark Calls for Digital Innovations

    Kimberly-Clark and its Digital Innovation Lab has renewed a global call for open-source innovation to find new ways of connecting with digitally savvy consumers.
  • Alexa, What's My Marketing Strategy?

    Famed American philosopher Homer Simpson once called alcohol “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” I sometimes feel the same way about marketing technology.
  • Study: DTC Still Not an Option for Many CGs

    Although the need for a direct-to-consumer sales strategy would seem to be a foregone conclusion for the consumer goods industry, many individual companies are apparently still on the fence.
  • NFI Acquires e.p.t. Brand

    NFI Consumer Healthcare has acquired the e.p.t. over-the-counter pregnancy test brand from Prestige Brands Holdings.
  • Campbell Soup Says Yes to Product Simplicity

    Campbell Soup Co. gave a nod to healthier living and marketing transparency this month by launching a new line of ready-to-serve soups called Well Yes!
    Well Yes cans
  • HarperCollins Spreads the Word Via Amazon Alexa

    HarperCollins Christian Publishing began testing a new marketing channel this month by providing daily inspirational messages through the Amazon Alexa "intelligent assistant" voice control system.
  • Rockstar 'Gears' Up at Walmart

    Rockstar earned upfront merchandising at Walmart by giving the mass merchant an exclusive overlay to a national promotion tying in to Microsoft Studios' Oct. 11 release of Gears of War 4.
  • Oreo Bites into Online Gifting

    Mondelez International’s Oreo is piloting a more flexible, agile supply chain model this holiday season that lets it have more direct interaction with shoppers.
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