Kimberly-Clark and its Digital Innovation Lab has renewed a global call for open-source innovation to find new ways of connecting with digitally savvy consumers.
Famed American philosopher Homer Simpson once called alcohol “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” I sometimes feel the same way about marketing technology.
Although the need for a direct-to-consumer sales strategy would seem to be a foregone conclusion for the consumer goods industry, many individual companies are apparently still on the fence.
Campbell Soup Co. gave a nod to healthier living and marketing transparency this month by launching a new line of ready-to-serve soups called Well Yes!
HarperCollins Christian Publishing began testing a new marketing channel this month by providing daily inspirational messages through the Amazon Alexa "intelligent assistant" voice control system.
Rockstar earned upfront merchandising at Walmart by giving the mass merchant an exclusive overlay to a national promotion tying in to Microsoft Studios' Oct. 11 release of Gears of War 4.
Mondelez International’s Oreo is piloting a more flexible, agile supply chain model this holiday season that lets it have more direct interaction with shoppers.