What if we did, or could own the consumer? And, what if we used the notion of ownership as a principle of stewardship and service. We would be asking ourselves how do we best serve the consumer for whom weve been commissioned with this onerous responsibility. How many of us actually use that mindset to drive why we do things, what we do, and how we do it?
During the 2015 Consumer Goods Sales & Marketing Summit, over 200 consumer goods executives met to discuss strategies that begin and end with the consumer. From social media to the marketing/IT alliance to digital and more, these sessions offered best practices and action items for attendees to bring back to their organizations. Read on to learn more about key highlights from the event.
General Mills discontinued its Nibblr subscription snack offering after about a year and a half, while Kellogg has assembled a team to create the direct-to-consumer food business.