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  • Anheuser-Busch Announces Personnel Moves

    Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. announces changes in four key management positions.
  • Coca-Cola FEMSA Outsources IT Services

    Coca-Cola FEMSA, a Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, selects EDS to provide IT services, including support for its SAP platform, Spanish and Portuguese help desk operations and field services.
  • Bravo! Enables E-Buying

    Bravo! Brands Inc., a brand development and marketing company that promotes and distributes vitamin-fortified, flavored milk drinks and other beverages, launches its ecommerce Web site, enabling consumers to purchase its Bravo! and Slammers brands directly from www.bravobrands. com.
  • Sunny Delight Extends ERP Outsourcing Deal

    Sunny Delight Beverages Co. (SBCD) will continue to rely on OneNeck IT Services for enterprise-wide IT support, including applications and infrastructure, through 2014.
  • Consumer Product Execs Identify Major Market Challenges

    Clarkston Consulting releases a study revealing what executives in the consumer products (CP) industry say are the top market challenges facing their companies in the next 12 to 24 months.
  • Coca-Cola Enterprises Recognized for Operations Research

    Coca-Cola Enterprises is named one of five finalists in an international competition that singles out the best project by an organization.
  • Bliss Beverage Strikes Deal With Wal-Mart

    The fast-growing independent energy drink company, Bliss Beverage, announces a major agreement with Wal-Mart that will significantly increase distribution of Socko Energy beverages in the United States.
  • Bravo! Brands Adds E-Commerce to Web site

    Bravo! Brands Inc., a brand development and marketing company that promotes and distributes vitamin-fortified, flavored milk drinks and other beverages, launches its e-commerce Web site, enabling consumers to order its products directly from
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