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  • Coca-Cola FEMSA Outsources IT Services

    Coca-Cola FEMSA, a Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, selects EDS to provide IT services, including support for its SAP platform, Spanish and Portuguese help desk operations and field services.
  • Bravo! Enables E-Buying

    Bravo! Brands Inc., a brand development and marketing company that promotes and distributes vitamin-fortified, flavored milk drinks and other beverages, launches its ecommerce Web site, enabling consumers to purchase its Bravo! and Slammers brands directly from www.bravobrands. com.
  • Sunny Delight Extends ERP Outsourcing Deal

    Sunny Delight Beverages Co. (SBCD) will continue to rely on OneNeck IT Services for enterprise-wide IT support, including applications and infrastructure, through 2014.
  • Consumer Product Execs Identify Major Market Challenges

    Clarkston Consulting releases a study revealing what executives in the consumer products (CP) industry say are the top market challenges facing their companies in the next 12 to 24 months.
  • Coca-Cola Enterprises Recognized for Operations Research

    Coca-Cola Enterprises is named one of five finalists in an international competition that singles out the best project by an organization.
  • Bliss Beverage Strikes Deal With Wal-Mart

    The fast-growing independent energy drink company, Bliss Beverage, announces a major agreement with Wal-Mart that will significantly increase distribution of Socko Energy beverages in the United States.
  • Bravo! Brands Adds E-Commerce to Web site

    Bravo! Brands Inc., a brand development and marketing company that promotes and distributes vitamin-fortified, flavored milk drinks and other beverages, launches its e-commerce Web site, enabling consumers to order its products directly from
  • Caribou Coffee Remodels Supply Chain Network

    Caribou Coffee taps Tom Zosel Associates (TZA) to analyze its existing supply chain network and identify the most efficient distribution network that will optimize the relationship of service levels and cost to support each of its business channels.
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