- 4/30/2004
Taking Action May 2004
It is common practice for manufacturers and distributors to have access to mountains of promotional and point-of-sale data, but few companies look outside of the box and assume an active role in developing and reshaping technology tools to better fit the information needs of their unique business. - 4/30/2004
Sticking to the Plan
The words "technology" and "new" are rarely far from one another in articles about supply chain technology. - 4/30/2004
Point of Impact
CGT caught up with Steve Peppler, CEO, Flintfox, an up-and-coming TPM vendor, to get the scoop on trade promotions management. - 4/30/2004
Special Report - May 2004
The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a "name, term sign, symbol or design or a combination of them, which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to and to differentiate them from those of competitors." - 4/30/2004
Shredding the Paper Trail
Across the globe, consumer goods companies continuously churn out high volumes of innovative products that people rely on every single day. - 3/31/2004
Enterprise: In Through the Out Door
P&G turns to IBM outsourcing to focus on its core businesses. - 3/31/2004
Keep It Clean
Since joining this magazine, I've been introduced to a slew of buzzwords that herald the dawn of a new age for information technology (IT). - 3/31/2004
Customer Management: Driving to The Store
Coca-Cola Enterprises embarks on a radical direct-store delivery project.