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Top 10 Most Chosen Consumer Goods Brands

The first ranking of the most chosen global fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands reveals the brands that are being bought by the most consumers, the most often.

Kantar Worldpanel’s Brand Footprint Ranking reveals the strength of brands in 32 countries around the world, across the food, beverage, health and beauty and homecare sectors. It uses an insightful new metric called Consumer Reach Points, which measures — for the first time — how many households around the world are buying a brand (its penetration) and how often (the number of times shoppers acquire the brand). This unique calculation of penetration and frequency helps FMCG manufacturers to clearly understand their global reach in terms of actual basket reach and provides a vital guide on which regions present the biggest opportunities.

Coca-Cola leads the Top 50 ranking as the world’s most chosen brand, being chosen 5.3 billion times a year. The beverages drink manufacturer reaches its No. 1 spot by combining a high penetration of 44 percent with the highest global frequency of purchase (15 times per year on average) meaning that it is chosen a total of 5.3 billion times a year.

Meanwhile, the No. 1 food name globally is Maggi — the Nestl brand of instant soups, stocks, sauces, taste enhancers and noodles — which is the sixth biggest brand ($1.6 billion) overall achieving a Consumer Reach Points growth rate of 4 percent as it reaches 27 percent of households. Perhaps this placement is surprising to us because the brand has weaknesses in the United States where its reach is only 4.8 percent, but Maggi’s global growth beat out its main rival Knorr (1 percent) thanks to a stronger performance in Asia.

The report also highlights the opportunities for growth that exist, with only one brand in the world — Colgate —reaching more than half of the global population (65 percent penetration) with its oral care products.

The full list includes the top 50 brands in the food, home care, health & beauty and beverages sectors, but below you will find a snapshot of the top 10 most chosen consumer brands across the globe.

Other key highlights include:

•    There are 18 different manufacturers in the Top 50 list. Unilever is the leading manufacturer, placing 15 brands in the Top 50 followed by Procter & Gamble with eight, PepsiCo with five and The Coca-Cola Company with four.
•    Thirteen Billionaire Brands – Thirteen global brands are chosen by consumers more than one billion times a year — Coca Cola, Colgate, Nescafe, Pepsi, Lifebuoy, Maggi, Pantene, Knorr, Lay’s, Dove, Lux, Palmolive and Tide.
•    Emerging markets drive 98 percent growth for the growing brands in the Top 50. Further, six of the top 10 brands in the ranking show significant increases in their growth driven by the emerging markets — Coca-Cola, Colgate, Dove, Maggi, Nescafe and Pepsi. Coca-Cola increased its growth in these territories by 7 percent gaining 230 million Consumer Reach Points.
•    Dove top riser in ranking — No. 10 in the global ranking, Dove grew its Consumer Reach Points by 18 percent to reach more than 1.1 billion. Other top risers are Tide, Vim, Oreo, Head & Shoulders and Bimbo.
•    Global success doesn’t rely on being present in developed markets — The report reveals how a brand can achieve high penetration and sales without a high presence in developed markets. Japanese cooking seasoning brand Ajinomoto (No. 19 in global ranking) for example reaches virtually no households in Europe and only 2.6 percent in the United States. Tang, the most likely new entrant into the "billionaire club" with its powdered drinks, is popular in emerging markets and the fourth biggest global beverage brand despite only reaching 13 percent of households.
•    Some manufacturers grow global by acquiring local — Availability in some emerging markets remains a challenge for global brands, which is why some manufacturers, such as Heinz, chose to acquire local brands. Purchases by Heinz (No. 26 in the ranking) have given it control of the world’s No. 1 Worcestershire sauce brand Lea & Perrins, Brazilian tomato-based sauce Quero and China’s premium soy sauce Master Weijixian
•    Globalization is on the rise – Although international brand owners are driven by social- demographic and cultural trends, consumers often don’t differentiate between local and global brands. To achieve significant household penetration locally a global brand must know its consumers intimately and not impose the brand’s home culture on the local market. Colgate for instance achieves 86 percent penetration in India compared to 65 percent globally by having excellent urban and rural availability and by adapting to the local market with smaller pack sizes.
•    Local brand giants – 23 local brands around the world achieve more than 500 million Consumer Reach Points: Roma, Tora Bika, Molto, So Klin, Energen, Sasa, Daia, Ekonomi and Sarimi in Indonesia; Lucky Me in the Philippines; Clinic Plus, Ghadi, Fair & Lovely and Tata Salt in India; Lala and Gamesa in Mexico; Wahaha, Shuanghui, Want Want and Bright in China; Almarai in Saudi Arabia and, finally, Oscar Meyer in the United States and Warburtons in the UK.

To read this report in its entirety, click here.

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