Given the current situation, here are some recommendations on what brands can do to take advantage of current shifts in, and future development of, the next generation of manufacturing, distribution, logistics, and CPG industries.
When the pandemic started, there were a lot of bored kids at home, so what did a lot of bored parents do? They bought them Legos! We dig into how The Lego Group kept its tech teams flexible and aligned during a period of massive disruption.
As Primal Kitchen set out to drive in-store and online sales of grilling products at nearly two dozen key retailers during a critical period, it knew it needed an upgrade.
Hormel Foods is restructuring its operations in a bid to become more agile and consumer-focused, and it’s developing a new center of excellence for its retail segment as part of this.
Strong retail execution, improved retailer collaboration, and an especially sunny summer have all combined for good news for Edgewell, which said it’s using its in-house digital prowess to share data with retailers.