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  • Hain Celestial Debuts New Products

    The Hain Celestial Group launches over 100 food, beverage, and personal care products with new flavors and product benefits to satisfy growing consumer groups.

  • Chocolate Milk Makeover

    The chocolate milk brand TruMoo, launches a new formula with less added sugar to improve the nutritional value.
  • Petitioning for a New Product

    Consumers ask Victoria's Secret to make a line of "survivor" mastectomy bras to help breast cancer survivors.
  • Hostess Selects Winning Bidder for Twinkies

    Apollo and Metropoulos hope to have America's favorite snacks back on the shelf by this summer. They agreed to pay $410 million to purchase the brands, five bakeries and certain equipment.
  • Kimberly-Clark Names CMO

    As CMO, Clive Sirkin will continue the ongoing transformation of the company's marketing function as a core driver of its growth agenda.
  • Amway Recognizes its Scientists

    The Amway R&D Distinguished Scientific Leadership Society was created to acknowledge individuals with a longstanding record of scientific and technical excellence during their Amway career.

  • Walmart Web Site Supports Small, Women-Owned Businesses

    Empowering Women Together will be part of Store for Good, a developing program dedicated to connecting consumers with products that do good for other people, for themselves, or for our environment.
  • Morton Salt Enters New Category

    Designed to soothe minor aches and sprains, Morton Natural Epsom Salt products are now appearing on store shelves nationwide.

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