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  • SodaStream, Ocean Spray Announce Partnership

    With over 30 percent of Ocean Spray Cranberry juice drinkers mixing their juice with sparkling water at home, the partnership builds on an already familiar consumer behavior.
  • General Mills Masters Channel-Exclusive Innovation

    In January 2011, the General Mills Convenience innovation team set out to enter a brand new category while minimizing the time and capital investment needed to do so.
  • Being Authentic

    CGT Executive Editor Alliston Ackerman gives you a sneak peek into the trends and topics discussed in this month's issue.
  • Recommended Reading for the CG Exec

    Check out these two new books from CGT's advisory board members on how to success in the competitive consumer goods landscape.
  • Nike Reigns as Most Innovative Company

    Revolutionary, cultural, nimble and even sexy these are just some of the words used to describe the most innovative consumer goods companies of 2013. Fast Company recently revealed this list, featuring Nike Inc. in the No. 1 position. Find out which other consumer goods companies made the cut and why.
  • Nestle Revolutionizes Infant Nutrition

    Initially conceived in the late 1990s based on the success of Nespresso, Nestl's BabyNes system is a breakthrough innovation for mothers when breastfeeding has finished.
  • Successful New Product Launch

    Like a newborn baby, a successful launch needs close handholding: Inducing trial and driving repeat buys will need effective interaction with the consumer at every moment of truth.
  • Heineken Launches App Contest

    The Heineken Champions mobile and Facebook app were developed by Cultur8.
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