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Marketing Tactics

  • Less is More

    With growing concerns about the environment, studies show thatcustomers are buying more environmentally-friendly products. As aresult, companies are using less packaging, which now means morebenefits for the earth. Find out how companies such as PepsiCo, HP,Coca-Cola, Nestl Waters North America and Kraft Foods are followingthe consumer trend to lean toward green.
  • Nestle Waters Embraces Natural Business

    While some companies are just beginning to implement best green practices, Nestle Waters North America has made it an important part of its business for more than a decade.
  • TerraCycle Turns Waste into Wonder

    TerraCycle manufactures products from materials that have historically been considered to be garbage. Just recently, TerraCycle broke out of the plant food category and into the natural cleaner category, and did so using an innovative twist on recycling.
  • 2008 Consumer Goods Sales & Marketing Summit

    The Consumer Goods Sales and Marketing Summit 2008 came to a close onJune 11, 2008, leaving the more than 220 consumer goods executives inattendance with a little more insight into the ever-changing andcomplex sales and marketing landscape. Here is a sneak peak inside theevent.
  • New Nielsen Study Shows Affects of Rising Gas Prices

    A new report shows significant levels of consumers combining shopping trips, eating out less and staying home more.
  • Procter & Gamble Makes Marketing Changes

    James R. Stengel retires as global marketing officer; Marc S. Pritchard brings more than 25 years experience to the position.
  • Deloitte Survey Finds Consumers Want Clearer Labeling

    Survey shows consumers will pay more to know more about meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and packaged foods' country of origin.
  • IDC Launches Green Business Campaign

    The new initiative features complimentary industry research and a webcast to explore technologies needed to support green strategies.
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