Wonder why that can of
Pepsi you're holding feels so familiar? It could be because it's been in your hand before. In another attempt at being "green," PepsiCo releases a new campaign called "Have we met before?" With at least 40 percent of the average aluminum can made from recycled material, Pepsi is telling the story of how used cans gain new life through recycling. The recycling facts and messages, which are provided by the
National Recycling Coalition, will be featured on approximately 500 million Pepsi cans and 250 million Diet Pepsi cans nationwide each month. That's a total of seven billion cans by the end of the year. "Recycling is a small step everyone can take that will make a real difference for our planet," says Kate Krebs, executive director of the National Recycling Coalition. "Our research tells us that most people recycle, when they remember. That's why reminding people about the positive impact of simply recycling an aluminum can is so powerful. A campaign like the one Pepsi is running will undoubtedly have a positive impact by reminding Americans to recycle and raising awareness of what effect recycling has on this great big beautiful planet we live on."