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Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Worldwide Manufacturing Predictions for 2015

    IDC Manufacturing Insights reveals the top 10 decision imperatives for 2015 and beyond, driven by complex value chains, support for continuing emerging market growth, customer (and consumer) centricity, ubiquitous connectivity and data-driven insights.
  • IDC Manufacturing Insights Appoints EMEA Head

    With more than 20 years' experience at British American Tobacco, Marc Van Herreweghe was most recently BAT Group Head of Manufacturing, Innovations Design & Development with responsibility for 45 factories in 40 different countries.
  • Belkin, Jarden Integrate Coffeemaker with App

    The Mr. Coffee Smart Coffeemaker features WeMo connectivity built-in and enables consumers to brew, schedule and monitor the device from anywhere using a smartphone or tablet with the WeMo app.
  • Anheuser-Busch Taps Tech for Consumer Connections

    Utilizing Sprints M2M (wireless machine-to-machine) expertise and Mesh Systems cloud based IoT/M2M platform, Anheuser-Busch began installing interactive tap handles in bars and restaurants nationwide.
  • IDC Manufacturing Insights Hires PLM Expert

    In this new role, the exec will focus his research and analysis on the product lifecycle management market and product innovation strategies, including topics such as the development of an innovation platform and the intersection of product design, development, and digital manufacturing.
  • Mars and Wrigley's Bright Idea Pays Off

    Mars Chocolate North America and Wrigley leverage illuminated racks in grocery retailers to increase sales.
  • MIT Media Lab's David Rose to Keynote CGT's 2014 Consumer Goods Business & Technology Leadership Conference

    Kellogg, Keurig Green Mountain, Kimberly-Clark, Tyson, Starbucks and more will gather in Orlando, Fla. on October 21-24 to explore "The Connected Company: Making Strategic Initiatives Work Across the Enterprise".
  • Early IT Adopters Gain Competitive Advantage

    A new study from Harvard Business Review shows that IT Pioneers are more likely to lead in both revenue growth and market position than their peers. This is more than twice the growth experienced by companies identified as technology Followers and three times the growth experienced by Cautious technology adopters. Where does your company fall?
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