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  • Walmart Names Two "Get on the Shelf" Winners

    As Grand Prize Winners, both products will be sold on and receive additional online marketing support.
  • Unilever Agrees to Sell Three Brands

    Unilever has signed an agreement for the sale of its Soft & Beautiful, TCB and Pro-Line Comb-Thru brands to Strength of Nature for an undisclosed amount.
  • Fall 2013 Tech Preview Guide

    CGT introduces you to seven new solutions that empower consumer goods companies to reach business goals and amplify opportunities
  • Happy Thankgivukkah!

    CGT Editor Ali Ackerman gives you a sneak peek into the trends and topics discussed in this month's issue.
  • McCormick Leaves a Mark on Consumers

    McCormick's new digital service, FlavorPrint, is a testament to the role that collaboration (both internal and external) plays when it comes to delivering meaningful consumer experiences both online and off.
  • Kraft Foods Achieves Active Execution

    In order to grow market share, the company embarked on a mobile solution strategy in March 2007 that would abandon its 100 percent paper-based retail execution system.
  • Kellogg Keeps Digital Shoppers in Mind

    It's no secret that consumer programs aimed at the digital shopper represent a huge opportunity for brands to engage consumers and improve marketing efficiencies. That's one reason why Kellogg Company recently enhanced its consumer loyalty program.
  • Kraft Foods Canada Improves Packaging Line Efficiency

    In order to address allergen management concerns, Kraft Foods Canada scans each label after it has been attached on the packaging line to ensure that it matches the package contents. But the laser scanner type ID readers used in the past to inspect the company' barbeque sauce products were subject to read failures. Find out how Kraft solved the problem by switching to image-based DataMan 300 ID readers.
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