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  • An Exciting Year

    CGT Editor Alliston Ackerman gives you a sneak peek into the trends and topics discussed in this month's issue.
  • 2011 Top 100: The Consumer Goods Registry

    Overall, the economy still wasn't looking pretty in 2010, but it wasn't completely ugly either. Most of the consumer goods companies on CGT's Top 100 list made modest sales gains. A few leapfrogged the competition. Yet, many others were still fighting an uphill battle.
  • 2011 Top 100: Beverages

    Mergers and acquisitions continue to transform the beverage list year after year, and growth remains steady for the majority. Find out who leads the pack and why.
  • 2011 Top 100: Pharmaceuticals

    Say hello to an old friend: Pfizer Inc. knocked out some competition in the OTC pharmaceutical market when it acquired Wyeth's consumer healthcare brands last year.
  • 2011 Top 100: Tobacco

    It's a similar story every year for this highly regulated, highly scrutinized industry. The trend continues toward innovating nicotine products, with British American Tobacco leading the way.
  • 2011 Innovation, Business & Technology Awards

    CGT honors 15 consumer goods companies for excellence in their innovation, supply chain, customer management and growth strategies.
  • 2011 Top 100: Food

    Big headlines rocked the food industry in 2010 and 2011. Two leading companies are going through amicable breakups while others remain focused on executing improvement initiatives for future growth.
  • 2011 Top 100: Health and Beauty Aids

    Beauty isn't everything. But don't tell that to this group of companies, who are making steady sales gains with innovative health and beauty products and business strategies.
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