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  • The Potential of Retail Scorecards

    The concept of measuring retail/supplier performance is fundamental to improving a relationship. It sounds so easy to do, but it is not. After a decade of implementation and use, progress on retail scorecards and the measurement of progress in a relationship is happening very slowly.
  • Fall 2014 New Tech Showcase

    CGT introduces you to six technology innovations that aim to drive business outcomes for competitive consumer goods companies.
  • Unilever Socializes the Brand

    As Canada's e-commerce landscape began to flourish, Unilever realized the inefficiencies connected to its lack of a product information management hub. With no time to waste, Unilever enlisted the services of Hubba, the B2B social network that also acts as a product information-sharing platform to simplify digital asset management.
  • Global Digital Consumers

    How will your company engage a billion new middle class consumers in emerging markets?
  • Summer Infant Makes Two Executive Appointments

    William E. Mote, Jr. has been appointed as the company's new Chief Financial Officer, and that Annamaria Dooley has been appointed as Senior Vice President of Product Development.
  • Pinnacle Foods to Acquire Garden Protein International

    Pinnacle plans to invest significantly behind Gardein in 2015 to continue to expand the brand and leverage the complementary positioning of Gardein and Birds Eye in the marketplace.
  • King's Hawaiian Boosts Market Presence

    The Kings Hawaiian leadership team will implement RW3s Instore Execution and BI Suite across the organization to capitalize on opportunities beyond the shelf.
  • Mondelez to Invest $24M in Turkey

    The investment is expected to increase capacity of its plant in Gebze, Turkey, to support growth in the company's global confectionery business, as part of its supply chain reinvention plan.
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