Feeding an Obsession

But unlike most obsessions, this one is not debilitating. It does not come at the expense of progress. Rather, it fuels and propels most every other business initiative forward, from TPM and digital marketing to retail execution and collaboration.
In this issue, you’ll read the words data, insights and analytics no less than 100 times as we share stories from Procter & Gamble on out-of-stock analysis; Coca-Cola Bottling Consolidated Co. on a database migration; and a coalition of nine consumer goods and retail companies on improving product data accuracy. The Supply Chain Shaman Lora Cecere provides guidance on getting to the right data in her new monthly column, Uncorked. Meanwhile, our annual Data & Analytics Solutions Guide and the Spring 2014 New Tech Showcase acquaints you with more than 40 solutions that can help move the needle when it comes to leveraging data. In between all this data-rich content, you’ll meet our latest batch of Standout SMBs, 11 companies with revenue at or less than $1 billion that are taking the midmarket by storm with niche products, innovative marketing tactics and bold growth plays.
Now turn the page and feed your obsession.