The products designed at Kimberly-Clark may be feather-light, but they're as demanding to develop as any bike frame or truck chassis. These products often depend on accurate, comprehensive simulation to ensure optimum performance.
Of the 100 companies featured on a list of top global marketers, 36 are CG companies. The leaders had one big thing in common: They advertise where they see opportunity for growth. These days, that means China.
Selectedfrom almost 400 applications, the first 12 grant recipients each successfullydemonstrated unique baby or childcare product ideas that address unmetparenting needs and make life easier for moms and dads.
Succeeding in innovation is a rare feat these days and that is why CGT's Innovation Awards once again recognize deserving consumer goods companies for excellence in innovation. Find out which six consumer goods companies took home awards this year.
A novelapproach to market research called Rapid Innovation Sessions (RIS) allowedKimberly-Clark to quickly create, design and evaluate 67 new product ideas overthe course of just three weeks.