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  • FMCG Companies Set Sights On Sub-Saharan African Markets For Growth

    Even as the misery of last years Ebola outbreak in West Africa is still fresh in peoples minds, the long-term narrative of Sub-Saharan Africa is one of youth, urbanisation, rising income levels, and optimism. The region is home to some of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and CPG/FMCG companies are taking notice.
  • Africa's Consumer Economy on the Rise

    A couple of months ago, The Economist reported that the African economy, rather than being damaged by last years collapse in commodity prices, was actually standing its ground even despite its historical dependency on the extractive industry.
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Survey: Editors Pick

    CGT introduces you to 15 more unique technology and services companies that are worthy of your undivided attention.
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Survey: Social Media

    CGT's readers rank the top technology providers of software/services for managing, monitoring and measuring internal and external social media communications/engagement.
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Survey: Trade Promotion Management

    CGT's readers rank the top technology providers of a solution for trade promotion effectiveness, including trade promotion management (TPM), price management, trade promotion optimization (TPO), etc.
  • The Top 25 Supply Chains in 2014

    This 10th anual list from Gartner, Inc. features several longtime leaders with new lessons to share and a number of more recent entrants from the high-tech, consumer product and industrial sectors.
  • Bayer HealthCare Enhances Demand Planning

    Bayer HealthCare is using NeoGrids cloud-based solutions for VMI and Retail Intelligence, and is additionally deploying NeoTPM and NeoS&OP.
  • Feeding an Obsession

    CGT Editor Alliston Ackerman gives you a sneak peek into the trends and topics discussed in this month's issue.
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