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Marketing Tactics

  • Rethinking The Fundamentals

    An in-depth look at the changing role of category captainship in consumer goods
  • The Thrill of the Start-Up

    "Everything I need to know... I learned in kindergarten," wrote author Robert Fulcrum. For Amanda Klane and Drew Harrington, those lessons included getting to know your fellow five-year-olds. Fast forward 18 years, and the former classmates would reunite to embrace the roller coaster ride that accompanied the launch of their fast-growth company, Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt.
  • 2013 Consumer Goods Business & Technology Leadership Conference

    A recap of the event's insightful presentations that explored the role that collaboration can play in advancing projects in supply chain, sales and marketing, analytics, data sharing and more.
  • Miller64 Adopts New Voluntary Nutritional Labeling

    MillerCoors hopes to eventually expand its adoption of the voluntary nutritional labeling, but will start with Miller64 to learn more about consumer reaction before making additional decisions.
  • Snyder's-Lance Taps Consumer Trends for Latest Products

    These launches are being supported by a significant increase in marketing focused on relevant social engagement with consumers and memorable campaigns.
  • Court Square Capital Partners Invests in AFS

    This investment in partnership with current AFS management provides growth capital as well as capital for future acquisitions.
  • Canadians Name Most-Trusted CPG Brands

    A poll of more than 95,000 Canadians reveal that the most-trusted CPG brands for across 60 categories consist of household names like Kellogg, Dove, Colgate and more. Consumers reasons for citing a brand as their most trusted vary by category, for example, taste drives which food brands are most trusted, while kids brands need to guarantee gentleness. Find out which other brands made this list and why.
  • Yogurt Wars: Russia Blocks Chobani from U.S. Athletes

    With the relationship between the United States and Russia strained, the two countries are now in a standoff over the delivery of Greek yogurt to the American athletes competing at the Winter Olympics.
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