The acquisition of DemandTec is expected to extend IBM's Smarter Commerce initiative by adding cloud-based price, promotion and other merchandising and marketing analytics. At the same time, the deal is in line with a trend across many industries wherein the lines between merchandising, marketing, commerce and supply chain are blurring.
Bigger companies and we mean really big seem to be way ahead of the pack when it comes to downstream data. For the first time ever, thought leaders from Kimberly-Clark, Procter & Gamble and Unilever came together to deliberate the value of downstream data. And guess what? Weve got it all on tape!
The candidate brings over 25 years of beverage industry experience from companies such as Sobe, Glaceau Vitamin Water, Fuze, Function Drinks, and Mistic Brands.
As an extension of its successful open innovation program, the company seeks to connect with partners who have digital marketing technologies focusing on video, social, mobile and gaming.