The acquisition will expand Campbells portfolio of healthy beverages and provides significant presence in the rapidly growing market for packaged fresh foods.
As we enter the second half of 2012, the editors of CGT like to take stock of the stories that were the most interest to our readers. Here is a look back at the top 5 headlines on this year.
The appointments come after the existing CEO and Chairman of the Board announced their resignations. Additionally, the company announced the elimination of the Chief Financial Officer position.
Initially launched as a beta pilot, Waterworks, a clean water program, is among the first Timeline applications for charitable giving, connecting Facebook users around the world with real individuals and communities in need.
The combined company would lead the global beer industry with roughly 400 million hectoliters of beer volume annually and 2012 estimated revenues of $47 billion. Its operations would span 24 countries with enhanced opportunities for 150,000 employees across the globe.