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  • JCPenney to Rollout Hallmark Mini-Stores

    Following months of discussions and a 15-store pilot program, JCPenney and Hallmark have decided to forge forward with their relationship, placing hundreds of Hallmark mini-stores in JCP locations across the country.
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Survey: Enterprise Resource Planning

    CGT's readers rank the top technology providers of a complete suite of enterprise-wide ERP software, including finance, HR, CRM, supply chain, PLM, asset management, etc.
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Survey: Editors Pick

    CGT introduces you to 15 more unique technology and services companies that are worthy of your undivided attention.
  • Chobani Puts a Stop to Sad Breakfast

    Chobani launched a national mission to #StopSadBreakfast, starting with the introduction of its convenient, protein-packed, hearty and delicious new product, Chobani Greek Yogurt Oats.
  • Bota Box Expands Offering with Bota Brick

    Bota Box launched the Bota Brick, its entry in the 1.5-liter wine category. Featuring the same environmentally responsible packaging, Bota Brick offers an alternative that stays fresh after opening more than four times longer than any glass bottle of the same size.
  • Readers' Choice Survey 2015

    Now in its 15th year, CGT's readers voted for their top solution and service providers in 13 areas of investment opportunity. These short lists, and accompanying commentary from experts and analysts, can help guide decision makers in their quests to find innovative technology and service providers that deliver a competitive edge in the game for consumer loyalty.
  • 2015 Readers' Choice Survey: Outsourcing

    CGT's readers rank the top providers of business outsourcing/IT services to the consumer goods industry.
  • Post to Acquire MOM Brands for $1.15B

    Cereal maker Post Holdings Inc. will acquire privately held MOM Brands Co. for $1.15 billion to expand its growing bagged and hot cereal categories.
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