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  • Beam Global Takes on Price Improvement

    In 2008, Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. recognized there were opportunities to better manage pricing and distributor margins at the market level. A cross functional team was assembled to commence a large-scale price improvement initiative.
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing Drops for Products

    Despite an explosion in consumer conversation technology, Americans have cut back substantially since 2008 on the opinions they share by word-of-mouth about companies and their offerings. Is the recession to blame?
  • Del Monte Snags Hershey CEO

    During Dave West's tenure as CEO, Hershey accelerated top and bottom-line growth. In his new position, he is expected to lead Del Monte in the next phase of its development and growth.

  • J. M. Smucker Acquires Hispanic Coffee Brands

    The acquisition of leading Hispanic Cafe Bustelo and Cafe Pilon brands includes a manufacturing, distribution and office facility in Miami.
  • Is Groupon Bad for Business?

    Do deal-a-day sites like Groupon really bring in bigger profits? The Retail Doctor Bob Phibbs says "no" based on numerous case studies from retailers who have lost money from investments in coupon sites.
  • Sun Products Cleans Up Warehouse Operations

    Due to the rapid product velocities within the laundry and dish care category, Sun Products needed a warehouse management system that could support vast inventory volumes.
  • Revealing our Sources

    CGT Executive Editor Alliston Ackerman gives you a sneak peek into the trends and topics discussed in this month's issue.
  • 2011 Customer Management Solutions

    A comparison chart of solution providers to the consumer goods industry in areas like CRM, TPM, TPO, SFA, etc.
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