L'Oreal USA Breaks Ground for New Jersey Headquarters
L'Oreal USA recently broke ground for a new state-of the-art office facility at Connell Corporate Park in Berkeley Heights , New Jersey . The new building, which is scheduled to open in 2009, will house approximately 400 L'Oreal USA employees and will function as L'Oreal USA's New Jersey headquarters. L'Oreal USA 's corporate headquarters will remain in New York . The building will enable L'Oreal USA to bring together under one roof groups of employees that are currently sited in different New Jersey locations, allowing for better communication, teamwork, team spirit and more efficient work practices. The new facility will also have a strong, environmentally-friendly focus with an emphasis on sustainable development. The open-plan design will maximize natural light and the use of 'green' raw materials while minimizing the effect on the environment. The building, which will be GOLD LEED certified, will feature energy-saving systems throughout, including heating, air-conditioning and lighting that can be individually controlled, and furniture and other fixtures made from recycled and locally-sourced materials.