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Direct Store Delivery (DSD)

  • 3 Tips for Tackling Next-Gen DSD

    The next five to seven years will a see slow but steady wave of technology refresh penetrate the DSD market. Early adopters such as PepsiCo, Anheuser-Busch, and Nestl will lead the charge. VDC Research offers tips for DSD operators who must evaluate opportunities for mobile solutions to enhance existing processes or risk being left behind.
  • Nestle Automates With DSD and SFA Solutions

    The German subsidiary eliminates its paper system and automates its 320 delivery routes, while the Japan subsidiary equips 270 sales representatives with a mobile solution.

  • Nestle Drives Better Demand

    For Nestle, Direct Store Delivery, pizza and ice cream are seasonal and promotion-driven, and variety has exploded in recent years. So, it turned to demand-driven forecasting to achieve bottom-line improvements.
  • Snack Companies Partner Up in Unique Distribution Agreement

    One will assume a number of IBO routes from the other in order to continue growing its national DSD distribution network; meanwhile, the other will receive access to that distribution network with expanded opportunity as a key partner brand.
  • Healy Wholesale Improves Direct Store Delivery

    Key functionality in the new system from HighJump, includes order management, inventory management, route settlement, pricing, promotions and more.
  • Snyder's-Lance Acquisition Expands DSD Reach

    George Greer Company primarily distributes the company's Cape Cod, Lance, Archway and Stella D'oro brands, as well as other leading brands and private label products.
  • 2011 Sales & Marketing Report

    New research yields reports on the progress that consumer goods companies have made in the areas of TPM, downstream data, direct-to-consumer selling, social business and more.
  • Snyder's-Lance Converts to New DSD Model

    The transition will occur on a market-by-market basis and will create an integrated coast-to-coast distribution network.
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