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  • Special Report: Communication Breakdown

    New research indicates that consumer goods firms do not fully understand how to measure true customer profitability
  • RFID World 2005

    Wal-Mart, Kimberly-Clark and EPCglobal push forward with RFID and reveal inside tips along the way
  • Rapid Return

    Like most consumer goods manufacturers, Thermos is facing increased pressure from its larger retail partners like Wal-Mart, Target and Walgreens to deliver orders faster and more accurately, and to implement new technology standards like radio frequency identification (RFID).
  • Insights -- April 2005

    Aligning business and IT strategies, regardless of M&A plans, it's no secret that consumer goods companies are under extreme pressure to reduce costs and increase their revenue.
  • Hooked on Compliance

    Beaver Street Fisheries proves RFID isn't just doable for billion-dollar companies
  • A Standard State of Mind

    Kraft complements worldwide operational structure with global data synchronization
  • The Cutting Edge of RFID

    With all of the hype, confusion and doubt surrounding the future viability of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, The Gillette Company remains unfazed, staying the course with a razor-sharp strategy that intends to mine the fathomless efficiencies that the electronic product code (EPC) offers.
  • Raising The Bar

    When I recently tried to reminisce about favorite "Love Boat" episodes with a co-worker who is about 10 years younger than me, I received a look of bewilderment.
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