Virtual Fireside Chat

  • Supply Chain Execution Playbook 2022

    Learn projections for supply chain execution in 2022, including what steps CGs can take to mitigate some of the disruption and complexity, the tech investments they’re expected to make, and just how today’s “hybrid operation model” will fare in the near and long term.
  • Tech-Driven Revenue Planning in an Omnichannel World

    Measuring trade promotion effectiveness has never been a straightforward task, but today’s abrupt digital shift has tangled the webs and tightened the knots for unprecedented complexity. Learn some of the most important things consumer goods companies need to know when it comes to omnichannel revenue planning.
    a woman holding a sign
  • Preparing for an E-commerce-Fueled Future

    Learn some of the most important things brands must know when it comes to digital commerce platforms and business models, including the trifecta of capabilities required to win customer experience, and why looking to digital natives for inspiration can be a big mistake.
    a display in a store
  • Watch: Finding More Meaningful Insights in Data

    Traditional macroeconomic data points may be interesting when it comes to exploring the impact of the pandemic, but they’re just not timely enough to drive real business decisions. If you’re not looking at things like weather patterns and population shifts — not to mention vacation home real estate bursts — you’re losing out to the CGs that are.
  • Where CGs are Putting AI/Machine Learning to Work

    Learn some of the biggest threats to AI and ML implementations and the greatest missteps that follow — and then get advice for CG leaders on de-risking your initiatives.
    a circuit board
  • Virtual Fireside Chat: Where is TPM/TPO Headed?

    During this virtual discussion, thought leaders in the TPM trenches share experiences, figure out the new rules, and explore what TPM/O might look like in a post-COVID future, as well as where revenue growth management fits in. 
  • Virtual Fireside Chat: Supply Chain Planning for Evolving Consumer Demands

    CGT spoke with a pair of executive thought leaders to learn more about changes, challenges and successes in today’s supply chain. Read on for an overview of the chats and watch the conversations. 
  • Virtual Fireside Chat: The Consumer Digital Wave’s Impact on Trade Planning & Retail Execution

    Retail execution came to a standstill when the pandemic hit, and today’s CGs are spending their days learning how to pivot. To explore how companies can remain agile enough to shift and still stay successful when it comes to retail execution tools and strategies, CGT hosted a virtual fireside chat with two industry thought leaders.
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