Planalytics Adds Decision Tools to Business Weather Intelligence Mix
Planalytics Inc. adds two new Decision Tools to its Business Weather Intelligence Platform. Planalytics Planner with Planalytics Allocation and Planalytics WeatherAudit join a family of Decision Tools that helop to transform weather data into actionable information presented within specific business contexts. Planalytics Planner with Planalytics Allocation incorporates weather-driven demand indices into a company's pre-season plans and in-season tactical decisions. The tool normalizes demand curves by removing the impact weather had on seasonal business the year before, resulting in smarter pre-season plans with reduced margins of error. The tool enables retailers to view the shape of the season across time and location aggregated to a total store base. Planalytics WeatherAudit is a daily "one-pager" designed to augment Flash sales reports and help retailers understand "yesterday". Delivered via email, Planalytics WeatherAudit provides temperature and precipitation maps for the previous day along with the variances from the NRF calendar date last year.