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  • Swimming in the Deep End

    Today's CG supply chain is akin to the spilt personality of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  • Slicing Into Trade Promotions

    For consumer goods companies, especially those in the grocery industry, trade promotions can be vital to maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Scotts Feeds Growth

    Three years ago the Scotts Company was turning inventory twice a year, which may not sound like much to a company that does 50 turns a year like Dell.
  • In Search of the Perfect Order

    The ability to render the perfect order is the single most daunting task facing the CG industry today.
  • The Right Stuff

    Improving the bottom line involves more than just deploying the latest technology.
  • The Art of Outsourcing

    Anybody in the technology food chain can tell you that ASP is a handy acronym for application service provider.
  • Power Breakfast

    When the Kellogg Company brought in a new management team at the end of 2000, one of its first questions was "where is the sales force?"
  • Off and Running with PLM

    Gaining increased attention among CG companies in the current economic climate is product lifecycle management (PLM) technology that reduces the time and cost it takes to bring a product to market.
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