GS1 US Now Managing US Color & Size Codes Database
GS1 US now manages and maintains the GS1 US Color and Size Codes, a database that allows suppliers, manufacturers and retailers to codify product color and size for more consistent and efficient data exchange in retail.
The codes, which have been used in retail systems for more than three decades, help the industry consistently identify and classify products by size and color. They also provide a common language for product color and size identification for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), a process that allows companies to electronically exchange order information and invoices.
These standardized codes are designed to help retailers, brands and manufacturers reduce errors due to manual data entry, cut down on new item setup times and allow for automated sales analysis by size and color, which helps guide merchandise assortment planning.
Formerly managed by the National Retail Federation (NRF), the color and size codes are available electronically for either a $250 one-time purchase from GS1 US or via three GS1 US Solution Partners: OpenText, InterTrade and SPS Commerce.
GS1 US will work with the retail community through the GS1 US Apparel and General Merchandise Initiative — an industry group that develops resources and guidelines based on GS1 Standards to solve supply chain challenges — to keep the codes updated and in line with current consumer-driven trends affecting the retail industry.
GS1 recently implemented a program that increases a brand’s access to securing GS1 product identifiers.