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Retail Robot



  • 11/25/2018

    Working Through Proper Channels

    Consumer goods companies should stop looking at the various sales channels that are now available and focus more on the one all-important common denominator across them: the consumer.
  • 9/24/2018

    Post-Apocalyptic Retail Review

    Great news, everyone: The “Retail Apocalypse” might not be happening after all. Welcome, instead, to the "Retail Renaissance."
  • 7/20/2018

    Innovation Doesn’t Come in Increments

  • 5/25/2018

    John Henry, Analytics Expert

    AI-driven analytics is poised to replace old-fashioned gut instinct —mostly.
  • 2/5/2018

    Amazon vs. The Mall

    Sure, Amazon might ultimately take over the world. But don't shut off the mall lights just yet.
  • 11/13/2017

    Gaining Clarity on Transparency

    Becoming fully transparent about your products makes sound business sense — and not just because it satisfies a growing consumer demand.
  • 10/19/2017

    Finding a Band-Aid for Brands

    National brands shouldn't forget that product quality is still the best defense against an increasingly competitive business environment.
  • 7/25/2017

    If You Can't Beat 'Em, Subscribe 'Em

    The fact that an entire category like men's grooming is now battling online to build loyalty while simultaneously locking in long-term sales is a noteworthy sign of the times.
  • 5/26/2017

    Same Silo, Different Day

    One aspect of the marketing industry I’d be more than happy to watch become obscure is the apparently indomitable budget silos separating various pieces of the business.
  • 2/26/2017

    Thinking Big About Retail's Future

    Oh, so now you want to measure in-store behavior?
  • 2/2/2017

    The Perpetual NPD Motion Machine

    Just a quick thought on the benefits of IoT-enabled products, courtesy of Under Armour.
  • 1/3/2017

    Alexa, What's My Marketing Strategy?

    Famed American philosopher Homer Simpson once called alcohol “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” I sometimes feel the same way about marketing technology.
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