2008 Consumer Goods Sales & Marketing Summit

- In an opening keynote presentation, titled "Why Diversity Matters," Campbell Soup Company SVP and CIO Doreen Wright addressed how a diverse and inclusive working environment helped the company to more effectively navigate increasingly complex markets to anticipate and respond to consumer demands. "An inclusive culture is critical to our business success," said Wright, "and our diversity affords us huge economic possibility."
- Next up, Jeff Bornino, manager of supply chain initiatives, The Kroger Company, and Beth Scheid, associate director of global business services, The Procter & Gamble Company, provided an update on the progress of Trade Partner Performance Management (TPPM), a new GS1 standard under development to drive common measures and common measurement for retailer/manufacturer trading relationships. "The big return on investment lies in making sure that everyone is looking at the same sheet of music," affirmed Scheid.
- Former SVP Marketing Communications for Wal-Mart Julie Roehm offered marketing strategies and examples to help companies adapt and succeed in a Web 3.0 world.
- AMR Research Director Lora Cecere hosted a panel of executives from Kraft Foods, LeapFrog and Valvoline, allowing them to touch upon 2008 Sales & Marketing Report findings -- from CGT and AMR Research -- and share strategies for product innovation; coping with demand variability; demand signal repositories and TPM.
- Rich Nichols, director of Sales Strategy and Sales Operations, Del-Monte Foods, shared details of the company's TPM initiative, tips on handling change management and a roadmap for the future.
on data management; Softsheen-Carson on category management; Acosta Sales & Marketing
on sales agency relationships; R.J. Reynolds on marketing and technology; and a Wall Street
panel on the wealth and health of the consumer goods industry.
Next year's Sales & Marketing Summit will be held at The Roosevelt Hotel, on June 8 -10, 2009.